Glamorizing Eating Disorders: This is Not Okay

It’s like a fender-bender on the side of the road. I had to look. I saw the recent issue of Star Magazine and was horrified. Given that next week is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, I thought, just maybe this could be about awareness. It’s not. We need to stand against those who glamorize eating disorders especially under the guise of concern. The small paragraph giving information about who to call if you or a friend is struggling with an eating disorder is plastered among the two-page spread of unfed, barely clothed bodies. Star Magazine, do you really think we’re that stupid?

At first I was thinking I may ruffle some feathers but that doesn’t concern me. The lives of impressionable young women (& men) do.  If I’m not standing up for what I believe in, am I really standing at all? I’m standing. Will you stand with me?

Still don’t believe how dangerous this is? Watch this quick video as well…